\paperw4260 \margr0\margl0 \plain \qj\li105\ri105 \f1 \b The Puy-en-Velay\par
\b0 In a region once marked by a high level of volcanic activity, the Puy-en-Velay occupies a
vast basin from which peaks of black basalt emerge. On one of these, where a Roman temple dedicated to Mercury used to stand, there is now a chapel consecrated to St Michael. It was built in fulfillment of a vow made by a bishop of Puy on his return fro
m a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in 962. Also built on a basalt rise, the cathedral of Notre-Dame is remarkable for its oriental influences (deriving from the Crusades) which can be seen in the use of two colors for the arches of the apertures an